Voice activated posting….
Posted: May 7th, 2008 | Author: Andy | Filed under: Uncategorized | No Comments »Powered by Jott
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T-shirt seen at Raceway Park at a car show.
Wes tagged me with the “8 Random Things About Me” meme. I’ll come up with ’em but I won’t bother tagging anyone else, woe betide me.
1. I throw out chain letters.
2. I love cooking and don’t use recipes, much.
3. When Nixon resigned I was working as a counselor at a camp for the mentally disabled in upstate New York.
4. I have shrunk at least a full inch over the last 30 years.
5. The longest distance I have bicycled in a single day is 120 miles.
6. It rained on that ride.
7. If I could, I’d probably sleep for 11 to 12 hours every night.
8. As an art student my favorite medium was intaglio.
That’s it folks, the buck stops here.
At the JetBlue terminal at JFK
Eastbound, 6 PM
Along with 29 of my newest friends! Click for a full size view.
Best if viewed large, click on the image and step back a little.